i wrote two things about the music of the spheres concert last january: (1) i don’t take a lot of vids during a concert because i wanna experience the thing and usually the vid comes out weird and full of screams (and bobbing heads!). but you gotta capture the energy of a pinoy concert singalong […]

i enrolled in “the science of well-being” as a proactive means to recapture my joy, and so far it’s had a little success. i remembered that i loved certain things: learning, for one. i rekindled my curiosity. i’ve attempted to be grateful for something, anything, every day. i’ve always been somewhat predisposed toward melancholy, but […]

just that, to float. while mother still had PTSD from that time (long ago) a cousin drowned in the midst of a pool party, surrounded by family: rambunctious and so unaware. but you, laughing, held outyour arms, stick-thin but sturdy,bade me lay back and trustthat the water would buoy me: palms spread, looking up and […]

In 3 days, we mark the first month since mama’s passing. Her cremains lie in their gray marble jar, next to her photo (that time us girls went to Korea), the cross, her rosary, a mass card, a candle always lit. Every night, at 9 p.m., we say the death novena for her, the Decenario. […]

this has been discussed so much in the periodicals and with friends that i can hardly add to the narratives being spun. they go along the lines of:(1) worth it — it being the the price of admission, including the hours enduring traffic, long lines, and standing toe to toe with “fans” who don’t care […]

another year almost over, another micro-aggression over social media. #whaddayouknow i should take this with a grain of salt. because people are people and tbh, everyone is just trying to live their best life. so as usual: you do you. and i do me. it got me thinking though: am i living my best life? […]

i find it really hard to be “nice.” with certain people, i find it downright impossible. my excuse is, time and again, they’ve disappointed me. you would think–the number of times it’s happened–that i’d be used to it by now. but…no. every time it happens, i get mad. it spills over. and i can’t keep […]

It’s Christmas.This used to be my favorite time of the year. Way back when, we’d have a big old party at the old maternal homestead. All the cousins would go home to Guinobatan; we’d stay there for at least a week. When we were kids, it was an awesome playground, lots of space in the […]

I didn’t know until recently that there were still predatory birds in the Katipunan area. A friend of mine, Victoria V., went on a bird walk and saw a peregrine falcon in Ateneo. V tells me this lady’s a regular. Hangs out with her mate at the old alma mater and leaves during the summer. […]